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  1. Alexander Technique Lesson
  2. Alexander Technique Lesson
  3. Alexander Technique Workshop - Southeastern Theatre Conference
  4. Body-mapping Workshop - WV Thespian Festival
  5. Alexander Technique Workshop - Hollins Playwright's Lab
  6. Shakespeare Workshop - Juneau Charter School, AK
  7. Unarmed Comabt Workshop - Juneau Charter School, AK
  8. Alexander Technique Workshop - Southeastern Theatre Conference
  9. May Term Trip - Kildare Farms, Ireland
  10. May Term Trip - Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
  11. "Language of the Fan" - Period movement class, WV Wesleyan
  12. WV Governor's School for the Arts
  13. Drama for Youth Tour, WV Wesleyan
  14. Alexander Technique Panel - Associaiton of Theatre in Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV
  15. Movement Coaching Richard III, Vintage Theater Company, WV
  16. Shakespeare Text Workshop - Rustic Mechanicals High School Apprentices

© 2019 by Tommy Schoffler

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